there is a deplorable lack of cleanliness in the kitchen of the hotel 意味

  • そのホテルの厨房には嘆かわしいほどに清潔さがない.


        cleanliness:     cleanliness n. 清潔; 潔白. 【動詞+】 encourage cleanliness 清潔を勧める She enjoined cleanliness on her son. 息子にきれいにしておくよう申しつけた We took elaborate measures to promote the cleanliness of the comp
        deplorable:    deplorable 情け無い 情無い 情けない 情ない なさけない 残念 ざんねん 嘆かわしい なげかわしい 寒心 かんしん 寒心すべき かんしんすべき
        kitchen:     kitchen n. 台所. 【動詞+】 clean a kitchen 台所を掃除する keep a kitchen clean 台所をきれいにしておく modernize a kitchen 台所を現代風にする plan a kitchen (働きやすいように)台所を設計する remodel a kitchen 台所の模
        air cleanliness:    空気清浄度{くうき せいじょうど}
        cleanliness class:    清浄度{せいじょうど}クラス
        cleanliness factor:    清浄度{せいじょうど}
        cleanliness level:    清浄度{せいじょうど}レベル
        cleanliness monitor:    清浄度{せいじょうど}モニタ
        cleanliness of heart:    心がきれいであること
        cleanliness of thought:    思想{しそう}の高潔{こうけつ}さ
        encourage cleanliness:    清潔{せいけつ}を勧める
        love of cleanliness:    love of cleanliness 潔癖 けっぺき
        moral cleanliness:    道徳的{どうとくてき}に潔白{けっぱく}であること
        slave to cleanliness:    大のきれい好き
        stickler for cleanliness:    潔癖家{けっぺき か}


  1. "there is a deep sag in the seat of the sofa" 意味
  2. "there is a deeply held belief among teachers that the present situation is intolerable" 意味
  3. "there is a definite danger that the virus may spread" 意味
  4. "there is a definite demand for more variety" 意味
  5. "there is a demonstrable connection between…and…" 意味
  6. "there is a devil inside me that makes me want to irritate her" 意味
  7. "there is a difference between monkey and man in the anatomy of the feet" 意味
  8. "there is a difference between the chinese and japanese ways of drying the face on a towel; chinese people move their face, while the japanese move the towel" 意味
  9. "there is a difference in british and german attitudes toward the common market" 意味
  10. "there is a definite demand for more variety" 意味
  11. "there is a demonstrable connection between…and…" 意味
  12. "there is a devil inside me that makes me want to irritate her" 意味
  13. "there is a difference between monkey and man in the anatomy of the feet" 意味

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